Henley Community Hub fundraising is live! We’ve already had a lovely donation from the Henley Ladies Probus Ladies, but we have a long way to go. https://www.gofundme.com/f/henley-community-hub-henley-mermaids
This month has seen myself and the other community hub directors/trustees spending time with Simon Mack, a fantastic Henley based architect who is also part of Greener Henley has kindly given his architect services to our project, we are very excited by the fantastic plans which will include the main hall as a flexible space for performing, rehearsing, sports – in fact anything really, as well as a recital room, kitchen, counselling room, teaching rooms, multi-use spaces etc. We all feel that it is vitally important to get the design of the hall not only fit for all its different purposes, but also be a leader in sustainability, accessibility and totally future proof from the outset.
One of the perks of my position at Henley Music School, I’m sometimes asked to go into schools and take part in their musical activities, and this month I was invited to Rupert House School, where I gave the children feedback on their music competition, and house songs – it was a fantastic day, where I got to chat to the children, listen to some wonderful music and even got to partake in fish & chip Friday!
My training this month has been about building distance ready for my 6-hour qualification swim in water under 16 degrees, which I plan to do in March. I’ll be going to Langabaan, slightly NW of Cape Town in South Africa with my partner and Lee Sudan (who brilliantly swam the channel last year) and her husband, to take part in a specialist channel swimming training camp, as the water is the perfect temperature (hopefully 15.9!) and I will have the expert Derrick Frazer from Big Bay events to train, feed and encourage me. I may even swim the Robben Island swim again, which I did last year with Lee. It was terrifying, choppy, it rained non-stop and was cold - felt never ending last year. We saw 3 whales, sharks and were even accompanied by a very playful seal.
